In the midst of the return of darkness,
As the cold breeze settles in comfortably,
A reminder of loneliness comes back to me,
The desire and yearning for warmth resurges.
But this time, you can woo me, seduce me, make me believe the unbelievable and say all the right words
Know that my heart is guarded
This invisible barrier serves as a strong shield
My head is in the game and with time, the softness within my heart turned to ice.
The belief of sincerity within a stranger’s intentions is a hope within no possible reach, for now.
It is set aside, as I now choose to take in every moment of intensity for what it is, and peacefully let it go.
It is what it is. What flows, flows, what crashes, will crash. This time around, I will simply be on my way.
Feet firmly placed onto the ground, one step at at time.
My focus is clear and ahead of me, and even as the unknown awaits me, my core belief about myself is no longer questioned or shaken.
I know who I Am, and I know now what I Seek. No more running or chasing, as I now understand that all will naturally unfold in due time.
All in good time.