Lara Zada
2 min readJun 22, 2021


The Weight of Sadness in a Turning Point

How heavy in the heart and mind does it feel to carry this burden of the invisible weight of sadness, day after day. Knowing full well that this feeling will pass, as everything in life is temporary, but for now, this state remains. It is there, in full expansion, with no intention or hurry to leave. It is wanting to get out of it, but it takes over you. It’s wanting to be comforted, but with no words spoken. It’s wanting to be loved, cared for. Oh, how this invisible sadness burdens me. All I want is to get out of it, as I reminisce the memories of sunny days.

It is being caught in stillness, in a feeling of utter emptiness. It’s watching life and people passing you by, and feeling a void within your being. This feeling cannot be explained in words. It is a yearning to find a home within self. It is a cycle that repeats itself and that needs to end. It is the quest to restructure and reprogram your brain, to perceive things in a whole new light. No, things didn’t turn out at all the way you wanted them to be. It is within that resistance to change, deviation of life plans, that suffering persists in your heart and mind. It is a sign, a definite new start of a new relationship with yourself. One that breaks all toxic patterns and heavy burdens. It is essential to keep the faith in such uncertain times, even when you feel completely lost. For it is a fact that you are not the only one feeling this way, for it is also known that you go down this path for things to truly change. Only you can accomplish everything you aspire to be. The dream of building a dream together has to be set aside, as I have to fortify the home within my soul, the home that lets people with opportunist intentions too fast.

Let this be a quest for peace, for patience towards self, as this important change within me unfolds, step by step, day by day.



Lara Zada

Listen to the rhythm of your own calling, and follow that. You are exactly where you need to be.