Eyes closed, smile across her face. She dances, she lets her body flow to the rush of comfort and the sensation of happiness than runs through her. She can’t help herself. When this happens, she enjoys it fully. Such a feeling does not occur everyday. It is filled with magic, it sends you to a place of euphoria and everything around you vanishes.
You are then transported elsewhere, in a place where your pain of the past never seemed to exist.
She rides the wave of her heart overflowing with these beautiful emotions.
She rides the wave, eyes closed, but wide open to the reality of temporary situations.
She knows she needs to protect her heart. But she believes, she believes in the idea of a real and true connection. That hope is alive, but she brings herself back down to earth, as her feet leave the ground every time she thinks of him.
She needs to take care of that heart once heavily wounded. There is no rush, no urgency to go to take things too fast, there is only Time. The ultimate test and proof of Time.
The only way to tell how everything will eventually unfold.
There is only time. In time, develops trust, and a solid foundation. Patience and limits are then tested and define the basis of what is forming between them. In those experience lie the true test and determines the rest.
But for the meantime, she ravels in the euphoria dancing in her heart, and the rush of happiness running furiously in all of her being. She rides the wave, she is not afraid, she knows she deserves to be happy and appreciated. She recognizes her worth and she understands she deserves everything good coming her way.
She rides the wave, eyes closed, smile wide across her face.
She rides the wave, just look at her go.