February 16th, 2020, 1 am
Caught in a hell of a mess…
Dear God,
On my knees, I humbly pray for you
Hand to my heart and hand held out
Please continue to hold me in your grace
Please continue to protect me as the course of life takes me to all places
Safe or weary
Beautiful or dark
Your light continues to shine bright through the malevolence of this delicate period
The wisdom you bestow upon me helps me grow stronger
Peace settles quietly into my heart
As my soul is lifted once more
As the night settles, the storm resurfaces and I am caught into the center, terrified, once more
Can you hear the uneven sound of my beating heart?
It beats rapidly out of fear, doubt and hurt
I know you are the only one to bring me back to the safe path
Give me the courage to accept, rise and move on
The strength and faith to believe in love again
The wisdom to accept what I cannot change
The serenity to finally let go…
I love you and I will always believe in you.