Every time I look at her
My heart overflows
I am overwhelmed by pride
Deep inside I wonder
How I could ever be so lucky
She chose me to be her mother
To be her guide
To nurture her, to give her all the love and care she longs for
In all different stages of her life
To have the honor to give freely and willingly
With as little expectations as possible
With no intent to control, with no wish to mold her into a vision I have of her
My single wish is to see her bloom, as she does already every single day, as she unfolds like the beautiful flower that she is.
As these reflections cross my mind daily, in a very fast pace, I try to form these thoughts and emotions into an accessible path to her heart and mind, in a hope to share my wisdom.
Any mother, in the depth of her heart, does not want to see her child fail.
Any mother, in the depth of her soul, wants to catch their child when they fall.
In time, eventuality brings us gently to the conclusion that our precious children will go through the motions of life, as we all do.
Eva, the only thing I can promise you is the vow of unconditional love as your guide, here on this physical earth.
I know, my dearest and precious child, that we are forever connected, regardless of where life brings us or what it brings to us.
I love you, with all of my heart.