June 25th, 2020
In 35 years of existence, I have realized a few fundamental things :
- Not everyone is sincerely happy for you. Not everybody has the capacity to rejoice in your success, if they haven’t lived it first themselves. Be careful and choose your friends wisely.
- More times than others, with some toxic people, you’re damned if you do, and you’re damned if you don’t. Keeping them in your life will get you nowhere. Stay true to yourself no matter what.
- In the eye of the storm, when the pain is most excruciating, the greatest joy often follows. A joy so grand, you will question if it is even real.
- Trust in the universe, and the energy you put out into the world. The impact is huge, believe me.
- Better learn to fall in love with yourself first and foremost, before having the conviction that you love other people well.
- Be kind to others, as much as you can, for you have no idea what they’re going through. A smile or a single compliment, or silly joke to make them laugh, can brighten their existence, even if it is for a brief moment.
- Don’t be afraid to show love and vulnerability. You will be admired for it, while not seeking this reaction. The ones who judge are perhaps envious of the courage you have to do so.
- Listen to people, not to reply, but rather to learn and grow from their wisdom and experiences.
- We are all inherently connected. The world is so so small, it’s crazy.
- Life is not always easy, but if you can find the courage deep within self to accept and rise from adversity, you can live some unforgettable moments in the simplest things.
- Don’t be too proud or too cool to pray to whatever you believe in. He held my hand and He is everywhere, I know that for sure now.
- Eat the damn cake, and enjoy every bite.
- Laugh as much as you can, and as loud as you want to.
- Be kind to yourself, and give all the love you give to others to yourself, before anything else.
- Take that risk, nothing is guaranteed, but it will propel you into whoever your Self is yearning to be. You need to find this.