Awareness in Destiny: Run For the Sake of your Life

Lara Zada
4 min readJan 21, 2021


January 21, 2021

In time, it will be.

As I listen closely to their journey, their life experiences, their own moments of learning, of ups and downs, I have come to realize that there is no denying it, no avoiding it. The writing is on the wall. It is in the songs you listen to, the people you exchange with, the daily signs that you stumble upon your way.

There is no denying it: I am aware in the certainty of my Destiny.

How can you be so sure, will you ask? Do you blindly believe in some preconceived tale or belief, may you think? No.

There is something that resides deep inside you, a feeling, an intuition. Hard to describe in words. Some may call it their Inner Voice. Others may call it Divine Intervention. Whatever you choose to name it, it’s that continuum that realigns you to your initial purpose.

The hardest part into acknowledging the presence of that awareness is acceptance of the present moment. Accepting, truly accepting that right now, you might not necessarily be where your soul yearns to be. To find the courage and strength within, and to be conciliant and patient with the concept of Time, to remove those blocks that stop you in your tracks.


Run not from it, but run for the sake of your Life. Run like every moment depended on it. Run not to win, to compete or to prove yourself to others, but run to feel the burning sensation of breath that fires up your lungs with the incredible sensation of life. Run to clear your head, run not to avoid or to deny. Run and raise your head from those dark clouds. Lift your gaze and look at what is really in front of you, not what you are imagining. Quiet that devil in your mind that keeps telling you that you are not good enough. Have the mere courage to be yourself no matter where others are at in your life. Don’t shy away from your true dreams, because you forgot momentarily who you were.


Remember who you are. You can achieve absolutely anything you set your mind to. Remember who the Creator knows for you to be. In our static reality, our vision of Self gets easily blurred. Awareness in the fact that so far, you have undoubtedly, survived 100% of your bad days, 100% of your downs, your depressions, your battles, your fears, your worries and all the uncertainty that is the foundation of those road blocks.

Be sure of this much: that helping hand that is given to you in a time of need is completely useless as long as you don’t help yourself first. Yikes, that’s harsh. Yes, it is. But it’s the truth. It is what it is.

Run and extend your arms as you feel the breeze of nature. Your wings are unfolding, your feet are being lifted off from the ground. It’s impossible, it can’t be. How can this rush of happiness re-enter my being after all these falls, these moments of sadness? But there is lift off. There is rebirth, there is light, there is freedom within Soul, within the acceptance of Self. There is that long-awaited open window of hope that opens by the acknowledgment of things just the way they are, with the courage of removing what makes you miserable. Doors open, opportunities appear, the right people come into your life, at the proper time.

Am I thrilled with the fact that I am still single? Ehhh…not so much.
Will the person with whom I am supposed to walk through life with eventually find me? Yes. That person will find me. In fact, we will find each other, all in good time. Time.

In the mean time, I am falling in Love with Myself. Now that, that’s unconditional love. I am then immediately reminded that you attract what you project.

Now, that my dear friends, is real magic.



Lara Zada
Lara Zada

Written by Lara Zada

Listen to the rhythm of your own calling, and follow that. You are exactly where you need to be.

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